Easter One-Liner JokesOne-line jokes that feature a setup and punchline can be great to disarm your party guests. Here's a collection of such jokes with an Easter theme to help you connect with your audience this Easter season. When one breeds an angora rabbit with an Easter Bunny is that a cross hair? Good Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Easter.
Altzheimer's Advantage #2 :- You can hide your own Easter eggs. Q. What do Easter Bunny helpers get for making a basket?
Q. What's invisible and smells like carrots?
Q. Why did the Easter Bunny hide his eggs?
Q. Why was the Easter egg hiding?
Q. What shouldn’t you tickle an Easter egg?
Q. What happens when the Easter Bunny loses his temper?
Easter has been canceled folks. They found the body. Do-It-Yourself Easter Kit: 2 boards, 3 nails, and a martyr! Knock, knock...
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