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Easter Questions & Answers #2

Q: What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
A: A receding hareline.

Q: What do ducks have for lunch?
A: Soup and quackers!

Q: Why did the rabbit cross the road?
A: Because it was the chicken's day off.

Q: What do you call a bunny with a dictionary in his pants?
A: A smarty pants.

Q: What do you call a bunny with a large brain?
A: An egghead.

Q: What would you call the Easter Bunny if he married a chicken?
A: The very first rabbit to lay an egg!

Q: Why are people always tired in April?
A: Because they just finished a march

Q: Why did the magician have to cancel his show?
A: He'd just washed his hare and couldn't do a thing with it.


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